Vivaion profile
Vivaion Profile (VIVAION)
Status: Unmonitored
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Thu, Sep 21, 2023 12:00 AM

'Vivaion is unmonitored
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The Vivaion Metaverse is a Cross-Platform, Play To Earn Open-World MMORPG! Developed utilizing Unreal Engine 4 powered by the Solana network. Vivaion is the name of the universe players live in and consists of multiple worlds and space exploration. Within Vivaion, players can purchase land, play games, socialize, and more. The integration of the Solana blockchain allows Vivaion to have a booming NFT economy influenced entirely by the player base. Every player can own assets within the game and create a much broader effect on the development by manufacturing NFTs through crafting and charging.

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  • Solana
  • Solana
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Community Ratings Vivaion VIVAION


(2 reviews)
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Mary wilson 7 months ago

Be guirded guys, i lost my crypto and i dont know how they were able to get into my wallet even when my secret phase are keep private. But am happy Marketpeace net was able to help me out with my refunds.
1 0

borx84 7 months ago

I'm following this project for about 1,5 year now,from it start basicly. It's funny to see no reviews about it and at the same time, i'm not even surprised haha. This project is being developed almost completely in silence. When it comes out officially it will definitely be a sensation on the market due to its dual gaming experience (blockchain and non blockchain/classic) and ability to jump from one realm to another! Vivaion on blockchain or Solara realm, has two native tokens,Vivaion(energy source) and Aevum(rare mineral ore). Both tokens will be burned after using it for crafting new NFTs into existence. Vivaion token was created first so it is older one and has already matured. Being developed in silence has it own purpose,,to get smart investors and no pump'n'dump ones. In 1. of October 2023 Vivaion will officially be listed on Epic Games and get it first BROADER EXPOSURE!!!so if you don't have any token yet better fill your bags fast cause silence will 🔜 be broken🚀🚀🚀checkIT!
1 0
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