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Unicake Profile (UCT)
Status: Unmonitored
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Sun, Jul 30, 2023 4:00 AM

'Unicake is unmonitored
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BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

What is UniCAKE? UniCAKE Baked with love❤️, build and driven by the community. UniCAKE is not just another reflection token, and we are sure not just another community driven project, we aim to be more than that. Our goal is to build a strong community with a project really built and owned by the community. Building such a project involves more than creating a reflection token and renouncing the ownership. It all sounds good but there are a few problems with that approach. Rewarding Rewarding holders with tokens or with dividends of another more stable token is a good incentive to keep people enthusiastic about a project and let them earn money without selling their tokens. Still, the reflection/rewarding model is based on the volume that the token generates from trading. High volume means high payouts, and low volume means low payouts. When the momentum of a heavily hyped project declines, the rewards will decline with it, this is normal, but if the project solely relies on it, it’s a problem. Renounce Ownership Renouncing ownership is an excellent way to gain trust for a community project, but we think it is not good to do right at the beginning of a project just to gain trust. A smart contract with a renounced ownership is like an abandoned project, with a community hoping to moon anytime soon (there are a few exceptions). A bigger problem with these projects is that it’s impossible to fix bugs and security issues. Some of the biggest projects out there are vulnerable to attacks that can drain their liquidity, and these projects can’t do anything to fix them.

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  • BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
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