UMI profile
UMI Profile (UMI)
Rating: Poor
Adventurous Nano Cap
Project Safety Score

Wed, Mar 20, 2024 12:00 AM

Market Cap $2,327,718.05
Market Dominance unknown
24hr Volume $12.63
Price $0.00397
Review Ethereal Login




Bitcoin and the existing altcoins have a number of defaults that wouldn't allow them to solidify on the global financial market as means of payment. UMI offers a totally different and unique model of using blockchain technology that makes it suitable not only for competing with the conventional payment systems, but also for outclassing them in virtually all parameters.

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(13 reviews)
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Patrik 2 years ago

UMI is the payment system that was created to address the weaknesses of the older cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ethereum and so forth. The most weakenesses of bitcoin and ethereum are high transaction charges and the slow transaction speed. These shortcomings have been addressed by the UMI network. There are no pending withdrawals on the UMI network since transactions are instant. When withdrawing your money, you do not wait for it to be approved. You do withdrawal yourself as you do when withdrawing from any exchange. It is simple and easy to withdraw UMI coins."
0 0

Nick 2 years ago

UMI has addressed the challenges of paying a lot for transaction charges. People are feeling good to know that they have to perform transactions free of change. More people have to be introduced to the platform in order to spread the news of UMI which is free of charge when doing transactions. The UMI coin is one of the most secured cryptocurrencies on the planet. It is impossible to hack the UMI network. The UMI network does not use the password system, and therefore, there is no trace of the participant’s password on the server.
0 0

James Gibson 2 years ago

UMI is not just an ordinary cryptocurrency but it is a special cryptocurrency to address your financial needs. I suggest that everyone has to know about this wonderful cryptocurrency to change his or her financial situation for the better. UMI will receive greater attention in Africa in the future since the majority of people have no access to internet. By rolling out the SMS transaction or payment method, a lot of African people will buy-in since they be able to participate in the project. UMI really stands a good opportunity for development in the African continent.
0 0

Galges 2 years ago

"UMI is a fully featured blockchain created from scratch. UMI is not related to any digital coin. UMI is not a copycat cryptocurrency. It operates on its own blockchain. It means that it took time for the UMI development team to put these thoughtful wonderful ideas into a working project. The UMI network seems to be the real answer to the people of poor and developing countries. In poor and developing countries the high employment rate is very high. Therefore, it people of these countries are becoming active in UMI coin, poverty will be eradicated."
0 0

James Grealish 2 years ago

UMI is only one year-six months old now. Its popularity and uniqueness have received greater consideration. Many people are slowly getting to know about UMI. It is expected that when time goes on UMI will be in everybody’s mouths looking at it abilities and capabilities. Abilities of this coin is also great because you can make really fast transactions. All this transactions are free of charge and UMI coin is one of the most secured cryptocurrencies on the markt. This is Blockchain and it is unreal to hack.
0 0

Frank Suarez 2 years ago

La mejor y más eficiente.
0 0

Mariana 2 years ago

UMI tiene la gran ventaja de que no le entregas tu dinero a terceros, tus monedas siempre permanecen en tu monedero y tú eres el que tiene el control total del mismo todo el tiempo, por lo tanto, retiras cuando y cuanto quieras. Tu dinero siempre está seguro, sin riesgo. UMI es un instrumento monetario universal. Una innovadora criptomoneda descentralizada que permite transferencias instantáneas, gratuitas (sin fee) y completamente seguras. La mejor. Es presente y futuro.
0 0

Phantom 2 years ago

La mejor de todas...
1 0

Gilberto González Arbesun 2 years ago

UMI es la mejor CRIPTOMONEDA a mi consideración, tiene la blockchain más rápida capaz de ejecutar 65535 transacciones por segundo. Otra de sus bondades es que las transferencias son 0 fee. Ejecuta contratos inteligentes y posee alta seguridad contra ataques del 51%. Está de más decir que Umi es una super cripto con un súper proyecto UMI ONE APP. Si aún no sabes nada sobre umi entonces te invito a estudiarla a profundidad.
3 0

Zandy Milán Betancourt 2 years ago

Es una moneda con un gran futuro. Creo que dentro de poco será de las más usadas por todo el potencial que tiene.
3 0
Showing records 1 - 10 of 13 ratings


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