MaskDoge profile
MaskDoge Profile (MASKDOGE)
Status: Unmonitored
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Mon, Oct 9, 2023 8:15 AM

'MaskDoge is unmonitored
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BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

MaskDoge is a fair launch token, which means the community gets the first chance to buy when MaskDoge goes live! No pre-sales or ICOs. We are a community-driven project that gives back by sharing fees with token holders. There is no need for staking as token holders receive instant rewards direct to their wallets. MaskDoge also burns a portion of its token supply making it a deflationary asset. We aim to provide the highest level of security for our community, so MaskDoge is fully audited for transparency. Liquidity will be locked at launch, making MaskDoge completely rugpull proof. We have a wallet completely set aside for charity, in the hope of helping to create a better world for those in need. At MaskDoge we aim to provide transparency to our community across all areas. We want to build the strongest community in the cryptocurrency space and give back by rewarding token holders every single day. We are also committed to providing funds to a range of charities. Throughout this whitepaper we provide a clear and concise vision for MaskDoge.

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  • BNB
  • BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
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