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Daddy Dogeback Profile (DADDYDB)
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Thu, Jan 26, 2023 8:08 PM

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Daddy Dogeback


BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

A Binance Smart Chain token that aims to be a huge $DOGE supporting token in the ecosystem. A project aimed at long-term solutions for holding benefits, Daddy Dogeback brings you features like high dividends, dynamic taxes, golden hour, NFT collections & staking. Daddy Dogeback taxes will be dynamically adjusted based on the chart activity and volume to ensure healthy growth. As price goes up, buy taxes reduce, and as the price goes down, sell taxes increase. This encourages purchasing whilst the chart is rising, and can reduce selling temptation when others are selling. Both the buy and sell tax will begin at a base levy of 8%, the contract has a variable known as a dynamic tax step, which is configurable, but at launch will be set to 0.05%. This variable is applied to the buy or tax sell on each transaction based on what kind of transaction it was, altering the taxes in relation to the price action, if there are continuous purchases the buy tax will lower to a minimum of 4%, conversely continuous selling will raise the sell tax to a maximum of 30%. For the dynamic tax step changes to trigger there is also a minimum amount required on the transaction. This will prevent the manipulation of the tax step, e.g. to stop investors doing multiple small buys to reduce the tax of a big sell. The contract also has 2 ways of determining how much of the collected tax to use in it’s given processes once the threshold has been reached Option 1 is a static percentage of the total supply, where the contract will only swap tokens (seen as the contract selling on the chart) once it has collected a specific amount of tokens (at launch this will be set to 0.05% or 5bn tokens). Option 2 will calculate the equivalent value of 1 BNB in tokens and then based on a multiplier swap if the number of tokens held exceeds, for example we can set it so that the contract only swaps if it holds greater than or equal to 2 BNB worth of tokens. NFTs are a big part of the Daddy Dogeback project. Expect Daddy Doge (as seen in the logo) himself and his family to appear in our NFTs as different fan favourite anime characters from a range of series. These NFTs have different levels of rarity with some not only being more scarce in quantity, but also in level of detail or effects. Animation, background design and props will make up the components of each individual collectable. To add value and utility to the NFT pieces Daddy Dogeback will be offering NFT staking to earn token rewards. Early on in the platform the reward pools on offer will be Daddy Dogeback and Dogecoin managed by the team. In the future other projects will be able to set up their own staking pools and use the NFT launchpad.

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  • BNB
  • BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
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