Atlantis Loans Polygon profile
Atlantis Loans Polygon Profile (ATLX)
Status: Unmonitored
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Sun, Dec 10, 2023 2:45 AM

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Atlantis Loans Polygon



Atlantis Loans Polygon, a satellite platform on of Atlantis ecosystem, is a decentralized money market that enables users to borrow and supply digital assets to the protocol within a non-custodial environment directly within the Polygon Chain. This means that users, at all times, have control of their digital assets and are bound by the protocol’s parameters directly on-chain. The protocol is autonomous and algorithmic with its parameters being controlled by governance proposals and yield curves. The goal of Atlantis Loans is to deliver a simple and professional DeFi experience across all popular blockchains. The Atlantis UI already has integrated multi-chain support in its core which will guarantee its users a seamless and clean experience while utilizing different chains. The main mission of Atlantis Loans is to give people the ability to live from the income of their own personal resources with the help of a decentralized, secure and non-custodial platform.

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